👋 Welcome to spatial video world!

MVPlayer.app is a 2D/3D immersive video player for Apple Vision (visionOS), iPad (iPadOS), iPhone (iOS) and Mac (macOS). Available for free!

MV Player screenshot 1

Where to download it?

MVPlayer.app is available on the App Store for free.

Download on the App Store

What does it do?

MVPlayer.app can play various format of spatial videos directly from your Files, Library or streaming URL.

Premium features are also included (free trial).

MV Player screenshot 2

How much does it cost?

Playback features of MVPlayer.app are free, so you can use it without paying anything. You can also try Premium features, but you need to purchase (one-time) Full Access for more than 20 seconds of trial.

Need a MV-HEVC immersive video converter?

Discover MV Converter for macOS.

Launch the app from URL Scheme

You can use mvplayer: URL scheme to open MVPlayer.app. You just need to add URL encoded url parameter in the /open action following x-callback-url model.

In example, mvplayer://x-callback-url/open?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdevstreaming-cdn.apple.com%2Fvideos%2Fstreaming%2Fexamples%2Fhistoric_planet_content_2023-10-26-3d-video%2Fmain.m3u8 will open https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/historic_planet_content_2023-10-26-3d-video/main.m3u8 in MVPlayer.app.